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Nakatsugawa, Gifu - Walk a Scenic Section of the Nakasendo Trail

A delightful summer destination with its lush landscapes, historic post towns, and vibrant local festivals that showcase traditional Japanese culture

Nakatsugawa, Gifu - Walk a Scenic Section of the Nakasendo Trail

Magome-juku: Start the day by exploring this well-preserved Edo-period post town, with its charming cobblestone streets and traditional buildings.

Nakasendo Trail: Hike a scenic section of the Nakasendo Trail between Magome and Tsumago, enjoying the natural beauty and historic significance of this ancient route.

Naegi Castle Ruins: Visit the ruins of Naegi Castle, perched on a hill with stunning views of the surrounding countryside and the Kiso River.

Nakatsugawa City Museum: Spend some time at the museum to learn about the history, culture, and natural environment of the region.

Tsukechi Gorge: End your day with a relaxing visit to Tsukechi Gorge, where you can enjoy the tranquil river, beautiful rock formations, and possibly take a refreshing dip.

Local Cuisine: Have meal at a local eatery in Tsumago, trying regional specialties such as soba noodles or gohei mochi (grilled rice cakes).

Local Festivals

Nakatsugawa Summer Festival: Held annually in early August, this festival features traditional dances, music, and a lively parade through the streets of Nakatsugawa. The highlight is the dynamic hanabi (fireworks) display, which illuminates the night sky and reflects beautifully on the surrounding landscapes.

Enakyo Autumn Festival: Transitioning into autumn, the Enakyo Autumn Festival is held in mid September at the Enakyo Gorge. This festival celebrates the changing seasons with traditional performances, food stalls, and boat rides offering stunning views of the autumn foliage. It’s a great way to experience the beauty of Nakatsugawa as it transitions from summer to autumn.

Nakatsugawa Dance Festival: A vibrant annual event held in Nakatsugawa, Gifu, typically in mid-October, celebrating traditional and contemporary dance forms with lively performances and community participation.